The Scuderia Italian Car Club (SICC) was formed with a strong emphasis on social activities with family and friends, and for driving classic Italian motor vehicles. The aim of our club is to maintain the presence and awareness of Italian motor vehicles on our roads.
The Scuderia Italian Car Club organises activities, such as monthly breakfast runs, club organised lunch drives, show ānā shines, picnics, pasta nights, restaurant & cafe dining and participation at Auto Italia.
You can join other SICC members in social activities where you will inevitably end up making new friends who share the same passion for Italian automotive engineering.
We welcome all Italian motor vehicles, regardless of their shape or size. The Scuderia Italian Car Club offers its members access to conditional registration for complying vehicles. SICC has a full range of public liability insurance covering all financial members participating in club events.
Monthly Runs
On the first Sunday of each month, unless otherwise advised and weather permitting, turn up at the Tower Hotel car park situated on the corner of Magill and St. Bernards Roads at 08:30 for a 09:00 departure. Emails are sent to Members advising of the destination and any details prior to the run.
We usually go for a drive through the Adelaide Hills to a convenient breakfast location where we enjoy fine food and interesting conversation. Whether there are two or twenty of us, we will go for a run. While this is primarily for our Members, we encourage anyone who owns or has an interest in Italian cars to join us and enjoy the leisurely safe run.
Monthly Meetings
General Meetings are held on the first Wednesday of the Month at 7.30pm at The Walkers Arms Hotel, 36 North East Road, Walkerville unless otherwise advised.
Committee Meetings are called as required and are conducted at the same venue unless otherwise advised.
Club Committee
To view the members of the club’s committee click here
Club Constitution
To view the club’s constitution click here